On Friday, December 13, 2013 took place the Conference of Philosophy aimed at high school students with the title “Justice, from the Greeks to today”. Three public high schools in Girona and Salt, with the collaboration of the Department of Philosophy and the Ferrater Mora Chair, devoted an entire morning to discuss the need for justice in our society. The activity was promoted by the Philosophy Departments of the Institutes Montilivi, Xifra and Espriu and was attended by more than 130 young participants. The program of the day included a film forum around the recent biographical film “Hannah Arendt” (Von Trotta, 2012), the presentation of student papers and a lecture by Prof. Joan Manuel del Pozo entitled “The hard battle of justice, from the Greeks”. This day of reflection and work was completed with a musical performance by young students.
These students from the 2nd High School shared their points of view with students from other educational centers and also with those who wanted to contribute their opinions, either in the virtual Campus or in the networks, with the hashtag #filojornada. The activity was linked to the international celebration of World Philosophy Day, promoted worldwide by UNESCO, around the third Thursday of November, the date of Socrates’ death.
Here you can find the complete program of the Day, as well as the press dossier.