Josep-Maria Terricabras Nogueras (1946-2024) received his PhD in philosophy and educational sciences from the University of Barcelona and the University of Münster.
He made research stays at the same University of Münster (with Extraordinary Doctorate Award), at Saint John’s College (Cambridge) and at the University of Berkeley (California). He was professor emeritus of philosophy and honorary director of the Ferrater Mora Chairof Contemporary Thought at the University of Girona. He was elected a full member of the IEC in 1995. He was a member of the International Committee of the Centro Filosofico Internazionale Karl-Otto Apel (Acquappesa-Coseza/Italy), and of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaf. In 2000 he received the Narcís Monturiol medal for scientific and technological merit from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and in 2021 the Vicens Vives Distinction for university teaching quality.
He was a specialist in contemporary philosophy, specifically the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, which he translated into Catalan; he also translated Nietzsche and Freud. He was the introducer in the Catalan Countries of the project “Philosophy 3/18 (Philosophy for Children)” and directed the updating of Ferrater Mora’s Dictionary of Philosophy, which since 2020 has been digitized and expanded at .
He was President of the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee of International PEN (2008-2014), Member of the European Parliament and President of the European Free Alliance group (2014-2019).
Here you can watch Josep-Maria Terricabras’ lectio ultima on the occasion of his retirement as Professor at the University of Girona, when he became Professor Emeritus.
Josep-Maria Terricabras passed away on April 16, 2024. The University of Girona paid a posthumous tribute to him on October 9, 2024.